
Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Our youngest daughter like many girls her age is very into the movie Frozen. The other day she asked if we could watch a couple of the songs on You Tube that have the words at the bottom so she could get all the words right as she sang along. As we sat here together I couldn't help but see a correlation to my past.

In the middle of the song Do you want to Build a Snowman? the father (king) tells Elsa when she is scared to "Conceal it, Don't feel it, Don't let it show!" That was often what I was told was to keep it quiet. I very quickly learned to hide what was really going on in my life and put on a mask and so that no one could see what was really going on in life.

As in the movie, that didn't work in life. Eventually the truth came out. I too wanted to run away like Elsa did and escape the reality of everyone knowing my secret. The fear was overwhelming at times. Eventually I too had to "Let it Go" and I also found the amazing freedom that comes when true love transforms your life!

Hiding doesn't help! Hiding doesn't make the problem go away! Hiding does far more harm in the long run!

On the contrary the healing begins when we are able to tell the truth, be believed, and let light shine in the dark places!

If you are a survivor please talk until someone will listen! There is so much healing and freedom in being heard, believed, and loved unconditionally! If you have a friend or child that has shared horrible abuse with you please just be there for them! Love them! Believe them! Walk beside them and let them know they are not alone!