
Monday, October 15, 2012

My Choice

Recently I have gone back and forth between being overwhelmed at the "stuff" that goes on in our life, and being so thankful as I look around and back and see God's hand so clearly working. There are aspects of our youngest daughter's new treatment that honestly scare me. I get overwhelmed when I think about certain aspects of it (for example it is quite possibly going to be needed for the rest of her life). Today I have decided that I have so much to be thankful for, and that is what I'm going to focus on. So, here is a partial list of the things that I'm thankful for today!

~ A wonderful husband who supports me and loves me no matter what!
~ Amazing children who keep me on my toes and keep me laughing!
~ A faithful God who has promised to never leave me!
~ A beautiful house to live in.
~ Amazing friends who are there for me whenever I need encouragement!
~ Those who have really been like a second family to me (Earles and Keys)! ~ love you guys!
~ Medical Insurance that covers a good portion of our bills (I can't imagine the debt we would have without it, and even though I complain about how much we do have to pay I'm so thankful it isn't the whole bill!)
~ A good church that has really taught me who my God really is and has shown us God's love in so many tangible ways when we needed it the most.
~ The good school that my kids go to and the amazing teachers there!
~ The ability to substitute teach this year so I can be off with my kids but still have a chance to earn money to help with the bills.

There are so many more things that I could list, but it could take forever! :0) I'm choosing to focus on what I'm thankful for rather than what I'm worried about or overwhelmed with today. What are you thankful for?